The night Barack Obama gave his speech at the DNC, Tristan just would not go to sleep. I finally told him to come in the living room with me. At one point, Tristan said, "Hey, mom! Barack Obama is just like Bob the Builder." Huh? I totally didn't get that one.
Well, if you've ever seen Obama give a speech, you know the audience always chants, "Yes, we can! Yes, we can!" So Tristan said that he was "Barack the Builder"... Can we fix it? "Yes, we can!"
Last night, Tristan wanted to go play in the back yard. I said OK. Then, he said he wanted all of us to go outside together. I told him no, because I was trying to get dinner together, so I could get ready for community group.
"But mom," Tristan said, "I want us to collaborate, by all playing in the back yard together. Would that be collaborating, mom?"
Yes, Tristan, I guess that would be collaborating. He won... we all played. :-)
Sounds like you are doing a great job teaching Tristan new words! Too bad he knows how to use them, huh? (ha, ha!)
Tristan is one smart cookie! I enjoyed our time at the park!
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