
Had to laugh

OK, I have to post a couple of other funny things Tristan has said recently. If it's not on the blog, I won't ever remember it happened.

The night Barack Obama gave his speech at the DNC, Tristan just would not go to sleep. I finally told him to come in the living room with me. At one point, Tristan said, "Hey, mom! Barack Obama is just like Bob the Builder." Huh? I totally didn't get that one.

Well, if you've ever seen Obama give a speech, you know the audience always chants, "Yes, we can! Yes, we can!" So Tristan said that he was "Barack the Builder"... Can we fix it? "Yes, we can!"

I try to teach Tristan new words often. He has a real flair for language. (As in, he never stops talking!!) Anyway, his new word this week is collaborate. I told him it means to work together, like a team.

Last night, Tristan wanted to go play in the back yard. I said OK. Then, he said he wanted all of us to go outside together. I told him no, because I was trying to get dinner together, so I could get ready for community group.

"But mom," Tristan said, "I want us to collaborate, by all playing in the back yard together. Would that be collaborating, mom?"

Yes, Tristan, I guess that would be collaborating. He won... we all played. :-)


Ruthie said...

Sounds like you are doing a great job teaching Tristan new words! Too bad he knows how to use them, huh? (ha, ha!)

Anonymous said...

Tristan is one smart cookie! I enjoyed our time at the park!